Information current as of January 1, 2019

All information and data that is available on this web site is for your informational purposes only and as such it is not intended as a substitute for advice from your personal physician or other health care professional. You should not use the information or data provided on this Web Site for the treatment or diagnosis of any type of health problem or for the prescription of any type medication or any other medical treatment. You should always consult with a qualified and licensed health care professional before beginning any type of exercise, diet or other medical program, or before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect that you might have a health problem. Never discontinue any prescribed medication without first consulting with your physician.

All of the information and data that is available from this Web Site is provided for educational, experimental, investigational, and research purposes only. The information and data on this Web Site has not been evaluated by the Unites States FDA or any other governmental agency. Use of, or experimentation with, any frequency information offered at this Web Site, is done at the user’s own risk. Spectrotek Services and Ralph Hartwell assumes no liability or responsibility, either personal or commercial, that may arise from use any of the information or data on this web site. The information and data available on this Web Site is not meant to replace the services and advice of your doctor or other health practitioner.